My Exceptional Life


The Ontario Government provides significant financial support for people with exceptional circumstances. Capitalizing on these programs can be crucial for quality of life and security. Here are two main support programs:

Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)

ODSP provides financial assistance and other support to eligible individuals with disabilities who are in financial need. The program offers income support to help with living expenses such as food, shelter, and clothing, as well as health-related benefits and employment supports.

Passport Funding

Passport funding is a fee for service program offered by the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCSS) to help adults with exceptionalities live as independently as possible in their communities. Passport funding provides financial assistance to help individuals access services and supports tailored to their needs, such as caregiver respite, life skills training, and community participation support.

If you are seeking assistance with navigating these programs and maximizing available supports, it can be beneficial to work with our team of experts. We can provide guidance on eligibility criteria, help with the application process, and offer advice on how to make the most of available funding and supports


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