My Exceptional Life



Life insurance can be an essential tool in providing financial security for loved ones, including children with exceptionalities, after you pass away. Here’s how life insurance can play a role, especially when coupled with the appointment of a trustee:

Financial Protection: Trust Arrangement: Customized Planning: Asset Considerations: Regular Review:

Life insurance provides a lump-sum payment, known as the death benefit, to your beneficiaries upon your passing. This benefit can help ensure that your child with exceptionalities has financial support after you're gone. It can be used to cover ongoing living expenses, medical care, educational needs, and other costs associated with their care and well-being.

 When you have a child with exceptionalities who may not be able to manage their finances independently, establishing a trust can be a crucial step. By appointing a trustee, you ensure that the life insurance proceeds are managed and distributed according to your wishes and in the best interests of your child. The trustee can oversee the use of funds to provide ongoing support and ensure that your child's needs are met over the long term.


Be confident in knowing that our team of insurance advisors understand and specialize in the unique needs of families with individuals with exceptionalities. We can help you customize your life insurance plan by determining the appropriate coverage amount, select the right type of policy, and structure the policy to align with your estate planning goals.

It's essential to consider how life insurance proceeds may impact your child's eligibility for government benefits like ODSP. A well-structured trust can help preserve eligibility for means-tested programs while still providing supplemental support from the life insurance proceeds.

 Life circumstances change over time, so it's important to review your life insurance plan regularly, especially when there are changes in your family's needs or financial situation. This ensures that your coverage remains adequate and aligned with your goals for providing for your child's future. Our team of experts will grow with you in your journey!

A properly structured life insurance policy and trust arrangement can be a game changer for your loved ones after you pass away. Discover how our team can help you reach your goals!


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