My Exceptional Life


Estate planning

Estate planning is a critical step for every family, but it holds particular importance for families with exceptionalities. Planning for the financial future of a loved one with special needs involves careful consideration and proactive steps to ensure their ongoing care and support. At Exceptional Life, we specialize in guiding families through this crucial process, offering comprehensive support every step of the way.

Why Estate Planning Matters:

Protection and Security: Continuity of Care: Government Benefits Preservation: Peace of Mind:

Estate planning provides a framework for protecting the financial well-being of your loved one with exceptionalities, ensuring they have access to the resources they need both now and in the future.

By creating a clear plan for the management and distribution of assets, you can ensure continuity of care for your loved one with special needs, even in your absence.

Proper estate planning, including the establishment of trusts such as Henson Trusts, helps preserve eligibility for essential government benefits and assistance programs.

Planning for the future can alleviate anxiety and provide peace of mind, knowing that your loved one will be taken care of according to your wishes.

Key Components of Estate Planning:

Creation of Your Will: Appointment of a Trustee:  Guardianship Application:

A will is a foundational document in estate planning, outlining your wishes for the distribution of assets upon your passing. By clearly specifying provisions for your loved one with exceptionalities, you can ensure their financial security and well-being.

Designating a trustworthy individual or entity to serve as trustee is crucial for managing assets on behalf of your loved one with special needs. The trustee plays a vital role in administering funds according to your instructions and the beneficiary's best interests.

In cases where your loved one with exceptionalities requires ongoing care and support, guardianship may be necessary to ensure their legal and personal needs are met. We can guide you through the guardianship application process, providing support and advocacy every step of the way.

At Exceptional Life, we understand the unique challenges and complexities facing families with exceptionalities. Our experienced team is here to provide compassionate guidance and comprehensive support as you navigate the estate planning process. Together, we can create a secure future for your loved one with special needs.

For more information on the importance of estate planning and how we can assist your family, contact us today or check out this video.

Guardianship Application

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Person Directed Planning

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed congue dolor nec erat lacinia, quis malesuada lacus blandit. Praesent blandit sodales eros sed egestas. Nulla tincidunt leo faucibus dui auctor elementum. In diam urna, luctus eget pharetra non, commodo quis sapien. Maecenas sodales diam sit amet augue rhoncus mollis. Vivamus sollicitudin consequat turpis eget condimentum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris condimentum purus vitae nibh venenatis accumsan. Aenean dignissim vel erat sed tempus. Nulla a feugiat tortor. Morbi velit nunc, pretium id eros in, posuere sollicitudin sapien.